Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Miami Institute — Live Dental CE Courses

    The implant procedures in this continuing dental education (CDE) program will be conducted using both hands-free and digital-assisted techniques, such as guided surgery. Prior to the surgery, all patients will undergo CBCT scans for precise planning. Other aspects covered in the course include the utilization of Ostell, intra-oral operative photography, and more, essential for those…

  • Miami Institute – Comprehensive Implant Dentistry Program

    Elevate your professional standing in the field of implant dentistry with our cutting-edge Certificate Program in Implant Courses for Dentists. Gain recognition for your expertise through certification awarded by the esteemed Multidisciplinary Implant and Aesthetic Miami Institute (M.I.A.M.I.). Earning our prestigious Certificate Program not only validates your education and experience in dental implants, but also highlights…

  • Miami Institute — Live Dental CE Courses

    The implant procedures in this continuing dental education (CDE) program will be conducted using both hands-free and digital-assisted techniques, such as guided surgery. Prior to the surgery, all patients will undergo CBCT scans for precise planning. Other aspects covered in the course include the utilization of Ostell, intra-oral operative photography, and more, essential for those…

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